Maisters Swamp

2016 Sheep Showing & Ram Selling Program
Armidale Merino Housed Ram Show & Sale: 3rd to 4th February 2015
1 Horned Ram and 1 Poll Ram
On Property Ram Sale: 11th February 2015
50 Unhoused Rams, paddock reared, ready to join
Rams January 2015 tested featuring 18 Poll Rams
All with WEC figures and ASVB figures.
Inspection from 10am Sale 1pm.
Ram Lamb drop 2013 9 months of age.
Red Nose - On Property.
Blue Nose - August tag reserve.
No colour - March tag reserve.
Showing signs of thickness and style from a fine wool sale ram with 5 months wool growth.
Ram lambs 2013 drop.
Average wool cut: 2.95 kilos with 5 months wool growth.
At Maister`s Swamp we guarantee our Rams for infertilty and structural faults up to their first joings. Fleece testing results have been measured independently and such information is provided as a guide only, and Maister`s Swamp Merino Stud accepts no responsibility for the accurarcy or repeatability of the information supplied in our catalogues and promotional material.

2 Year old special selected sire BY 111

Unskirted fleece of BY 111, cutting 14.8 kilos without bellies and BPC`S totaling 1.5 kg. Grand total 16.3 kilos.