Maisters Swamp
Maister's Swamp Merino Stud is a new and innovative merino stud in the New England, New South Wales with Ultrafine, Superfine and Finewool family structures in both the Horn and Poll studs. Through a selective breeding program, developed over the past 10 years, Maister's Swamp can now offer sheep and wool producers genetics that will increase their wool cut, lower their microns (if needed) and increase carcass traits that will make their sheep enterprises more profitable. Today, Maister's Swamp is owned and managed by David Watson, his wife Tina and three daughters Isabella, Sophie and Georgina. Since 1991, one Yoorooga Stud ram, two Hillcreston Stud rams, four Merryville Stud rams, three Gilgunyah Stud rams and thirteen Glanna Stud rams have been purchased. Also six Glanna Poll Stud rams, 1 Alfoxton Stud Poll Ram and 1 Merryville Stud Poll Ram have been purchased for the Poll stud. Maister's Swamp currently has over 450 stud ewes, including 100 Poll ewes creating the new Poll superfine and finewool family structures. All ewes have been naturally mated in single sire mobs. The average micron of the adult stud ewe flock over the last five years is 17.7 microns with an average yield of 75% and average fleece weight of 6.2kg including crutchings. Our genetics are displayed at the
bi-annual New England Field Days at the Uralla Showground and at our on-property ram sale held at Maister's Swamp, Kentucky on the second Thursday of February each year.

Picture of P 42 Champion Superfine August shorn Poll Ewe held by Principal David Watson.

Most successful Exhibitor
Photos of 2021 till now...

Louie and Cleo guarding the ewes. Mother like son.

Pottie Lamb Missy with a full belly and milk nose.

The dream team ready for work,
Louie, Cleo, Milo and Buzz.

And you can't forget princess Jessica.

Princess Jess, queen of the shearing shed.

Hoggett Shearing Time 2021.

New England Merino Field Days 2021

New England Merino Field Days 2021